
Careers education at St Nicholas’ School provides a rich and meaningful experience to ensure students can identify and pursue pathways that will allow them to progress and achieve way beyond the classroom. In line with government guidance we aim to deliver a programme that meets individual needs by mapping all of our activities to the Gatsby Framework.

The Gatsby Framework

1.     A stable careers programme

2.     Learning from career and labour market information

3.     Addressing the needs of each pupil

4.     Linking curriculum learning to careers

5.     Encounters with employers and employees

6.     Experiences of workplaces

7.     Encounters with further and higher education

8.     Personal guidance

Throughout their time at St Nicholas’, students will have opportunities to engage with employers and visit workplaces. Through the curriculum and tutor time there will be a variety of planned activities to increase knowledge and ensure students are able to make informed decisions regarding their next steps. Students will also receive 1:1 guidance around their post-16 options. 

COVID-19 Update: Some opportunities may be limited at this time.

Careers in the curriculum

Each year all subject areas will have a dedicated careers lesson in National Careers Week to allow students to encounter career learning as part of the school curriculum. Through timetabled PSHE lessons we will deliver a number of career and work-related learning sessions to students from Year 7-11, giving opportunity to learn more about options, qualifications, skills and attributes, being work ready, the skills gap, labour market information, applying to college and cv writing. Students will also take part in visits and hear from external speakers that will give them the chance to see how their subjects and option choices can relate to different careers.

 1:1 Careers Guidance

Year 11 pupils will receive a 45 minute 1:1 career guidance meeting with a trained adviser from Hampshire County Council. This information and guidance is impartial and fully inclusive with all students encouraged to explore individual interests based on their skills and capabilities.

Work Experience

Every Year 10 student should complete a week of work experience in the summer term.

Springpod is an online resource that provides virtual work experience opportunities along with information about apprenticeships and university open days. 

Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths [STEM]

We are pleased to run an annual STEM week for all junior and senior pupils.  Experiences during the week include workshops and talks by visiting employers, some of whom are alumni or members of our parent body. We also launched a Senior STEM club in September 2021.


 In Years 9 and 10 students will be invited to take the Morrisby test. Morrisby uses a combination of psychometric assessments and questionnaires to highlight where strengths and preferences lie and forms part of the KS3 options process and Year 11 1:1 guidance interviews.


We have strong relationships with many local Sixth Form Colleges, state or independent. We invite Colleges to attend our Open Mornings and many Sixth Form interviews are conducted in house. We ensure there is  a smooth transition and our pupils have the guidance that they need.