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Head Girls

Head Girls holding portraits


Encouraging girls to become inspirational leaders of the future is a key aspiration of St Nicholas' School. 

Throughout their time at the school, our pupils will develop the skills necessary to lead teams, influence and manage people, and shape the world around them. 

In the summer term of Year 10, our Senior girls take on key school leadership roles as Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl, Prefects, House Captains and Sports Captains.

Not only do these girls continue to set an example and mentor our younger pupils, they also take on daily responsibilities such as supporting our Senior Management Team, leading school assemblies and co-ordinating house events, fundraising and competitions.

Junior pupils on a speedboat

latest news and events

At St Nicholas' School, great emphasis is placed on introducing our pupils to as many new opportunities and experiences as possible. Discover out latest news here.

news stories

Senior and Nursery pupil together

what people say about us

We are extremely proud of our engaging community of parents. pupils and alumni who aid and uphold the ethos of St Nicholas' School. Read their testimonials here.

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