Academic Results

Below are the GCSE results for St Nicholas' School from the past few years.


  • Half of all GCSE grades were 7-9.
  • 100% of pupils passed science GCSEs, with 67% of all grades at 7 or above.
    In Physics, nearly 50% gained a grade 8 or above; in Chemistry, 68% of pupils gained a grade 7 or above and in Biology 71% of pupils gained a 7 or above.
  • In English Language and Mathematics, 38% of pupils gained grade 7 or above, with a 97% pass rate. In English Literature, 56% gained a grade 7 or above.
  • 100% of pupils who took GCSE History gained a grade 6 or above with 88% gaining an 8 or 9.
  • 83% of all grades in Classical Civilisation and Latin were grade 8 or above.
  • 75% of Geography grades were 7 or above.
  • This year there were language GCSEs taken in French, Spanish and Mandarin, with 53% of grades being 7 or above.

We are immensely proud of our GCSE pupils and all they have achieved. Their personal academic successes, alongside their dedication, resilience and positivity are to be commended.

A few of our pupils have shared their reflections, sixth form destinations and future aspirations.


  • 25% of pupils gained 5 or more GCSEs at grades 8 and 9.

  • Almost a third of pupils achieved 10 GCSEs all at the highest grades (7, 8 and 9).

  • 100% of pupils who took 3 separate sciences passed them all at grade 4 or above.
    39% of pupils got grade 7 or above in all three sciences.

  • 100% of pupils who took GCSE in History and Geography passed with grades 5 and above.

  • 100% of pupils passed GCSE French, Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese.
    48% of pupils gained a grade 8 or 9.

  • 94% of our pupils gained GCSE English Language, English Literature and Maths at grade 4 or above.

  • 41% of all GCSEs were awarded grades 7-9.

  • In Year 10, 97% of pupils got a grade 4 or above in Statistics GCSE and nearly a third were awarded a 7 and above.


  • 100% of pupils entered for 3 separate sciences, passing them all at grade 5 or above
  • 92% of pupils passed Mathematics and English Language at grades 9 - 4
  • 92% of pupils achieved 5 or more subjects at grades 9 - 4  
  • 74% of girls passed English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and a language
  • 62% of all pupils gained at least one grade 8 or 9
  • 50% of all GCSEs taken were awarded a grade 9 - 7 


  • 100% of students gained GCSE Mathematics, English Language, English Literature and either 3 separate Sciences or the dual award in Science
  • 100% of our pupils achieved 7 or more subjects at A*-C (9-4)  


  • 100% of our pupils gained GCSE English Language, English Literature, Maths,  Science and a language.

  • 100% achieved 5 or more subjects A* - C / 9 - 4

  • 57% of the subjects were awarded grade 9 - 7 / A*- A.



  • 100% of girls passed English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and a language

  • 100% of pupils gained 8 or more passes at grade 5 or above (A*-C)  

  • 63% of all GCSEs taken (300+) were awarded a grade 9-7 and 84% of all pupils gained at least one grade 8 or 9


  • 100% of students passed Mathematics, English Language, English Literature and a Science  

  • 100% of our pupils achieved 5 or more subjects at A*-C (9-4)  

  • 51% of the grades achieved by candidates were at A* and A (9-7)


  • 100% of students passed Mathematics, English and Science  

  • 94% of pupils achieved 5 or more subjects at A*-C (9-4)

  • Almost half the grades achieved by candidates were at A* and A (9-7)


  • 100% of students passed Mathematics and English

  • 91% of students passed Mathematics, English and Science

  • 97% of pupils achieved 5 or more subjects at A*- C

  • Almost half the grades achieved by candidates were at A* and A

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

ISI Inspection 2022